My Mistake...

Since Ammutbite posted his, I thought I shold post mine.
These two shots were sent to me by Madame U, and they are the only two shots I have from my first wedding.
It came with the following caption: I call this first one "Scared shitless, with good reason." I believe the actual quote was "I'm hung over and I hope Ilya has a joint."
Jeez-- look at me in the second shot -- what am I ON? I don't remember any sort of intoxicants till MUCH later in the day. Whoa.
Caption for shot 2: "The first day of the rest of their lives"..."Who gave us that lawyer's card? What were they thinking?"
Wow. I, I...I'm speechless.
This is 198_ what?
The awwwoouch....
That's the face of a man who is walking into the mouth of hell, I tell 'ya.
I'm so glad to know you are with who and how you are, and not ...that.
Is that Powell Gardens?
rose garden at Loose Park
Everything that the marriage came to be is illuminated in the second photo, my dear.
Sometimes, glimpses of our past lives are startling.
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