More "Then & Now"

Back to the river we go. A bit of geography. Until the mid1990s, one could drive north on Grand in downtown KC, and once you crossed 3rd Street, you could either take a bridge over the tracks, ending in the parking lot for the old Missouri River Queen Riverboat, or cut down to the right, on Guinotte Street. The Discipline Wall was painted on one of this bridge's supports, just north of the tracks. Between this wall and the riverbank was concrete, and lots of it. Part of it was a fenced in chamber or "cell" where several homeless and transient persons spent cold nights huddled together. It terminated at this odd abuctment-type thing, adjoining a stairway descending into the river. These first two shots come from the side of the abuctment. It was my personal "sigil" at the time, and is the only bit of my old grafitti that still stands at the location.

This was behind and over my left shoulder from the above two shots. The wall face this was painted on has since collapsed and fallen down the bank.
Again, more when I have time...
Looking at the first shot, my thought was what a great tat that would make. Nice sigil.
When was that last time you were down in the area to see the changes?
I make a pilgrimage at least twice a year. From 2000-2003, the local OTO Oasis would celebrate the third of the Feast of the Three Days of the Writing of The Book of the Law on the site I'm posting next, and on April 10 I plan to post some photos from the last time we did it there. The odds are that Ammutbite and I will be doing a bit of reminiscing there before the show tonight.
Hey, speaking of the Writing of The Book of The Law...Mass?
I was down in this area with a coworker today, pointing out the history of the ASB bridge and whatnot. Didn't hunt hard enough for the cool tags.
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