It seems that I am out of river shots for the time being, at least until I get some developed, or until I find some old negatives.
Therefore, I will begin posting other shots I've taken over the years.
I will begin with a very particular "then & now."
Check these out...
I used to be such a sweet,sweet thing
'Til they got a hold of me.
I wrote scripts for little old ladies,
I played guitar for free.
I got no friends in The Ren Fest players
They can't be seen with me
And I'm gettin' real shot down
And I'm feeling mean.
No more Jolly Rogers,
No more stupid songs,
No more Mister Nice Guy,
They say he's sick,and he's wrong.
My god, the smile is exactly the same and so is the twinkle in your eye... The boys are the spitting image of you
I cannot believe it took me until today to check back in...that'll teach me :)
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